
In the heart of the classic wine area S. Maddalena

Winery Eberlehof | Santa Maddalena di Sotto 26 | 39100 Bolzano | South Tyrol | Italy

How to get to the Eberlehof winery:

By car
You can reach us via the „Bolzano Nord/Bozen Nord” exit of the Brennero motorway A22, from where you drive towards Bolzano. At the roundabout you take the „Rencio/S. Maddalena“ exit and follow the Via Brennero street. At the village Rencio you find on the right side the small street to the wine village S. Maddalena. You’ll find us there.

By train or bus
Bolzano has a good traffic connection by train and bus. If you want to come by the public transport services, we can pick you up in agreement at the station.